

Practice Manager, Certified Veterinary Technician

Wakana’s career in the animal world started at Cornell University as a graduate student studying zebra finch behavior. However, she became highly involved with the local animal shelter, and quickly realized that she wanted to switch to a career where she was helping animals directly. After moving to the Portland area, Wakana started a job at a veterinary clinic and decided that she wanted to pursue a career in veterinary medicine. She graduated from the Veterinary Technology Program at Portland Community College and became a Certified Veterinary Technician in 2019. She worked in emergency medicine for a year after graduation before realizing that she wanted to go back to General Practice, where she can really get to know her clients and patients on a long term basis. When she is not at the clinic, she loves going on adventures with her family, consisting of her husband and son, 2 dogs, and 3 cats. Her hobbies include sewing, video games, Zumba, and napping with her cats and dogs.