Welcome to Guardian Vet - your trusted partner in maintaining your pet's dental health and happiness. Experience top-notch veterinary dentistry with a difference, where every smile tells a tale of wellness.


Dental disease is very common among pets and can be a sneaky problem. Most dental issues are hidden under the gum line, and even pets with painful problems often have very subtle symptoms. Signs of dental pain can be as subtle as being a bit quieter or more tired or shifting food to a different part of the mouth. If your pet has “bad breath” or gingivitis (a redness to the gum line along the teeth), these are signs of a potential problem brewing. Bacteria living in the gum tissue next to the teeth don't just smell bad, they cause sore gums, bone destruction around the teeth, and problems in other organs as they migrate through the blood. Choices you make with your pet's diet and chew toys can reduce dental disease, and many pets will let you incorporate tooth brushing into their routine – we can show you how! Regular professional dental cleaning with dental radiographs to look for problems under the gums is also an important part of keeping pets' mouths healthy.

For preventative care, we look to the Veterinary Oral Health Council guidelines for researched products that work well for pet dental preventative care.

Dog dental care in Sherwood, OR

Why Choose Guardian Veterinary Care for Pet Dental Services?

As an AAHA-accredited veterinary hospital, we voluntarily adhere to the highest standards of care for your pet's anesthesia and dental care.

  • Each pet undergoing dental care has a dedicated anesthetist throughout their entire procedure with state-of-the-art monitoring equipment to ensure that your pet's anesthesia is smooth.
  • State-of-the-art full mouth digital dental X-rays for precise diagnosis.
  • Pain Management Excellence: Minimizing discomfort with local anesthesia blocks and tailored pain management regimens.

Advanced Dental Procedures: We're at the forefront of veterinary dental care, offering a suite of advanced procedures, including:

  • Oral tumor/cancer treatment
  • Traumatic jaw fracture repair
  • Cleft palate surgery
  • Treatment of dentigerous cysts due to unerupted teeth

Specialized Juvenile Dentistry: Expert care for puppies and kittens addressing issues including:

  • Malocclusions
  • Retained baby teeth
  • Enamel hypoplasia

Dog dental care at Guardian Vet

Committed Veterinary Dental Experts

Our veterinary team is composed of passionate experts with extensive training in complex dental care, including our veterinary Specialist in Canine and Feline Practice. Using the latest technology and best practices, we ensure your pet's dental health is managed with the utmost skill and compassion.

Pet Dental Health: The Foundation of Overall Well-being

It is estimated that by age 3, over 75% of dogs and cats have periodontal disease. Proper dental care is crucial in preventing pet periodontal disease, which can have systemic effects on your pet's organs and overall health. Our preventative and curative dental services are designed to keep those risks at bay.

Affordable Excellence in Veterinary Dentistry

At Guardian Veterinary Care, we're dedicated to providing accessible, advanced dental care, because every pet deserves a healthy mouth. Contact us to schedule an appointment and ensure your pet's oral health is in prime condition.

For more in-depth information on our dental practices and the importance of pet dental care, we invite you to visit the American College of Veterinary Dentistry.